Thursday, June 19, 2008

Boring TV

I feel so out of my rhythm after moving. Before my previous house was burglarized it was pretty normal for me to come home, work out, then watch TV the rest of the night while simultaneously on my laptop either gaming or just surfing the web. The biggest problem is that my big TV was stolen along with all my latest generation of gaming stuff, but luckily they left the retro gaming stuff alone, probably figuring it isn't worth anything (when in fact it's worth much more to real gamers based on rarity alone). Anyway, now that I've been downgraded to a little 23" TV that's been around for about 12 years, I'm finding regular TV much less enjoyable. I don't really know why the size of the TV would make any difference, so I can't really say that's the cause, but I'm just finding the multitude of reality TV that's around now to just be too much. I watch a few of the shows, but some of them are just horrible.

Hell's Kitchen is at the top of the list right now for network reality shows. I find cooking to be very interesting, I think mainly because I know so little about it and I will probably never be any good at anything besides grilling meat. I was never a huge fan of the Real World, but I do find myself watching it sometimes, although I don't exactly keep up with it, so half the time I'm clueless as to why one or two of the characters aren't around. I also liked Rock of Love, but I can't say why. I'm not a Bret Michaels fan, nor a fan of Poison at all, and I hate most of the other reality mass dating shows, but I think I can at least stand to watch this one because the girls aren't nearly as irrational or annoying, and most of the fights are over things that should be fought about.

Aside from those I love watching some of the Discovery Channel shows, namely Dirty Jobs and Deadliest Catch. Those are just some great shows, and Mike Rowe just knows exactly what to say in the situations he gets put in, with comments that are both comical and insightful. I think I like Deadliest catch just because I'm glad I don't have to do that for a living, but I like to watch people who do.

Besides those I don't watch much. Most other shows that I do watch every week had their season finales already and won't be back again until this fall or later. I do still watch reruns of Seinfeld, King of Queens, and Scrubs, but those tend to play the same 10 episodes over and over and it gets old really quick. Lucky for me I'm getting my new TV delivered this weekend, and now I'm finding I'm not really sure what I'm gonna be watching on it. Maybe the fact that I will be able to see the details on the screen again will renew my interest, because if not I will have to replace the game systems I lost and start playing again. I really just want Rock Band back.

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