Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Maybe Wii?

It's been on my mind for a while. Should I get another Wii?

I had a Wii before, but it was stolen when my house was burglarized last June, along with my TV and Xbox360, not to mention I didn't have renter's insurance at the time and didn't get reimbursed for any of it. Since then I have replaced my TV, and I do have a 360, but it's one that I'm borrowing.

I of course needed a new TV since I watch all the time, but I've been hesitant to replace the gaming systems because I really don't play them that often, so I'm not sure if it would just be a waste of money. I think it's also partially because I'm hoping against all odds that I'll get my stuff back, or at least they'll find who stole them and I'll get reimbursed.

Right now though I'm sort of at a transition. I'm living in a fairly small place, and it isn't that close to my friends, so I rarely have people over. I plan on moving though, once my lease is up, and while it may or may not be to a bigger place, it will definitely be closer to my friends and I will probably have people over a lot more.

See, I sort of consider the Wii to be a system that excels at fun games for multiplayer, but not so much in the single players games. Sure I have Rock Band on the 360, but even that game can start to get old if you play too much. That's when the Wii would really come in handy.

So, I'm thinking that when I actually move and start to have people over again, I'm going to want to have a Wii, if for nothing else than to provide a variety of entertainment. Even the Wii Sports game that comes with the system can provide hours of fun, especially for people who have never played it before.

So with tax season coming around I'm hoping to get a pretty good tax return, and I'm really thinking of using that on a Wii and maybe a few extra games and accesories to go along with it. Actually I might buy one before I even get the tax return, because when I turn in my taxes I'll know how much I will be getting back.

I guess at this point it's a matter of priorities, but I'm hoping that when I do move and start to have more people coming over I'll have a bunch of options in which to keep them entertained. Plus this time I have renter's insurance, so I'm not quite so worried about things getting stolen.

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